07 Apr

Your guide to finding the best deals and discounts for seniors

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Celebrate your golden years with significant savings! Many companies offer exclusive discounts to customers over a specific age. You may be surprised that some senior discounts are offered long before you turn 65, since not all companies classify seniors the same way. Ready to start saving? Our research team has collected over 100 senior discounts. 

What are senior discounts?

Senior discounts are a great way to stick to your budget and enjoy the benefits of saving your hard-earned money. Note that there is no legal requirement to offer discounts to seniors, so it pays to ask before making any purchases. If it occurs to you, sure there may be a senior discount!

How old do you have to be to receive a senior discount?

While 65 is the age to officially claim Medicare and Social Security benefits, many senior benefits and discounts start much earlier! If you join AARP or the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) on your 50th birthday, you'll have a head start on taking advantage of senior discounts. For all other discounts, minimum age requirements vary by business or location and can range from 50 to 65 years old. Not sure if you qualify for a senior discount? Don't hesitate to ask! Not all companies advertise their discounts, so a little detective work may be required.

Popular Senior Discounts

From retail stores and supermarkets to insurance and health care, there are all kinds of discounts for seniors. Maximize your savings and get the most out of all your purchases (big or small) by taking advantage of the following discounts. 

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